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Advertise on Google 

Google Advertising

Advertising on Google is becoming increasingly important. Almost every company offers its products or services online nowadays. Your competitors also offer their products and services online. This is largely done via Google. To win the battle against your competitors on Google, you can do several things. One of those things you can do to beat your competitors is by advertising on Google.

By advertising through Google you can ensure that you are above your competition and how beautiful is that. The customer is the first to click on your website and the first to see your products. Because advertising on Google is quite difficult to do really well, the help of experts is often used. At Search Clicks you will be helped by experienced experts who will help you with advertising via Google. They ensure that you are immediately at the top of Google and your conversion will increase.

Advertising on Google by Search Clicks

If you are going to advertise on Google, you actually do this through the search engine. You advertise on a certain keyword and with that keyword you will be at the top of Google. When someone from your target group or a customer searches for a keyword in the search bar on Google, they will find your company first. Because this goes through the search engine, advertising on Google is also called search engine advertising. Search Clicks has experienced specialists to ensure that your website is at the top with certain keywords. Because you let Search Clicks do the advertising on Google, we ensure that you are at the top of Google. As a result, you are not only found faster, you also get many more people (traffic via the internet) to your website.

You can target this advertising via Google to a specific target group. Because you can specifically target that advertisement to your target group, all that extra traffic that comes to your website is also relevant and therefore you achieve more conversion. Advertising through google is super important for your business to grow, to gain greater brand awareness and to generate a higher conversion. That is why it is wise to advertise on Google by Search Clicks. You then know that you are being helped by real connoisseurs of placing ads on Google and they know better than anyone how to do that.

You probably want to know exactly how advertising on Google works, how you don’t have to write those very long texts to get to the top via Google’s organic system, how you can get to the top via a paid Google advertisement.

If you are going to advertise via Google, this will be done via Google Adwords. Google Adwords is actually an advertising platform from Google. If you search for a specific keyword, there are usually a few ads at the top of the page. These companies/people at the top of the page have advertised on that keyword you typed in.

There can be a maximum of 4 advertisements. If you are going to advertise on Google then you are definitely one of the top 4. Google Ads is not free, every time someone clicks on the link in the advertisement it costs you a certain amount. The more popular the keyword is, the more it costs to advertise on that keyword (Ads). Because you are guaranteed to be in the top 4 if you advertise via Google Ads, a lot of traffic will come to your website and your conversion will increase.

Being in the top 4 of Google is nice, but everyone wants to be at the top of Google right away. You could do this yourself, or by an expert. Our experts at Search Clicks already have a lot of experience and know exactly how they can best help you to get to the top of Google. If you advertise on Google, you must make your Google ad as specific as possible to achieve the best result. You need to make the ad as targeted as possible to your target audience.

To do this, you first need to know exactly who your target group is and what the interests of your target group are. It is important to make your advertisement as targeted as possible, because then you will be immediately at the top of Google for your target group.

It is also important to do this because there are no people in between who are actually not interested in buying a product from you or purchasing a service from you. Those people who are not interested or are only slightly interested can still click on the link in your ad and that will only cost you extra money, which is therefore not necessary if you tailor your ads in Google very specifically to your target group in order to get to the top of Google right away.

What is the difference SEA and SEO?

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization (Dutch: search engine optimization). SEA has several names, such as Google advertising or Google Ads. SEA is simply placing ads on Google. SEO is the organic method to get to the top in Google. If an advertisement is placed on Google on a certain keyword, then there are 4 advertisements at the top of the page at Google. That is the SEA, under the 4 Google ads are the companies that are at the top with their SEO. A big difference between SEA and SEO is that SEO is basically free, but you have to put in a lot of time and with SEA you pay each time your link in the Google ad is clicked.

SEO is good to use for the long term, you need a lot of time and patience for this. If you want to achieve a high position in Google through SEO, this can take months in some cases. In that respect, SEA is better in the short term, as you will immediately be in the top 4 with your Google ad. The great thing about being right at the top of Google is that customers don’t have to scroll down to see your website, so they don’t have to make any extra effort.

Another difference is that with SEA you can measure the result of your Google ad much more easily. You can immediately see the impact your SEA has had. With SEO this is more difficult to look at because it often happens over a longer period of time and you don’t know exactly how much time it takes. Because you can easily measure the result at SEA, you also know what needs to be done better or differently next time, super handy!

SEA can easily measure the result, you also know what needs to be done better or differently next time, super handy!

The result you can achieve with a good SEO is permanent, as long as you keep up with it, of course. When you stop a Google Advertisement (SEA), you’re completely off the first page and you don’t want that!

So SEO is more for a longer time and is also permanent. It’s free, but you have to put a lot of time and effort into it.

SEA is to get to the top of Google quickly, you don’t have the time to wait weeks or months for you to be found. The disadvantages are that it costs money and that it is not permanent when you stop your Google ads.

A combination of SEO and SEA together is recommended.

Book an appointment!

Do you want to know what the possibilities are for your company to be eligible for a collaboration? Then immediately book an appointment with one of our Google Ads specialists.


We make an analysis of how the presence of your website is at the moment and then make an extensive scan of it. From this we make an implementation plan with measurable results for you.

Keyword Research

Our SEA specialist finds out which search terms are popular and relevant, so we know exactly what your target group is looking for.

Competitive analysis

We bekijken de strategieën van jouw concurrentie en vergelijken deze dan met jouw huidige website, zodat wij erachter komen wat we wel en niet het beste kunnen gebruiken.

Strategy and optimization

By means of a unique strategy that fits your website exactly, we prepare your website to be found well in the search engine.


Feedback is very important when running an SEA campaign. As an SEA agency, it gives us insight into how our efforts are perceived by the customer and whether they meet expectations.

Measure results from Google Ads

Earlier I said that you could properly measure the results of your Google ads. This is useful because you know exactly what works and what doesn’t. For example, you can use the results you get from your SEA for your SEO. This way, your ads on Google will help you improve your SEO. With the results of the SEA, you can see through which keywords the most traffic comes to your website. This is more difficult to see through SEO, which is why a combination of SEO and SEA is always good.

You can also use the results of the SEA to improve the next time you use SEA. Ensuring that your conversion increases again. At SEA you can see how many people come to your website via certain keywords. You can also see whether these people actually make a purchase on your website. This way you can see how high the conversion is of that particular keyword.

What is better? Google ads or Facebook ads
For a long time, Google was the place for all your advertising. You had to be at the top there if you wanted to join your competition. In recent years, more and more good options have been added. Facebook ads is one of them. Facebook Ads have always been important to increase brand awareness and generate more leads. There are now more options and the options are becoming more and more extensive to better target your advertisements to your target group.

The problem with Facebook Ads is that not every target group is on Facebook. Many people know and use it, but there is also a very large part that does not use it. It depends on your target audience. Facebook Ads is also much smaller than Google Ads at the moment.

Google Adverteren

The increase in your conversion is also generally much higher with Google Ads than with Facebook Ads. The price of Facebook Ads is a bit lower per click, but then you also have less reach with it. At the moment, if you want to achieve the highest conversion, it is best to use Google ads.

In a few years, Facebook Ads may become a reasonable option, but you will still have the problem that not every target group is on Facebook anymore. And Google is used by everyone.

Do you also want to advertise on Google?

At Search Clicks they have more than 10 years of experience in this field. We know a lot about how we can get your Google ads on 1. We also find quality very important at Search Clicks. We prefer that our customers are satisfied and that all agreed objectives are actually achieved, than that we have a huge number of customers who are not all sure of the best quality.

If you let us do your Google ads, we will ensure that you are immediately at the top of Google. If you want to be at the top of Google, let Search Clicks do your Google ads and fill in the form at the bottom of the page. Once you have completed this application form, we will get to work for you right away.

If you have any questions for us about advertising on Google, you can always contact our customer service. They will try to help you as best as possible.